Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Wow! work was manic today, after running around like a headless chicken on speed for 8 long hours I was surprised to find myself very highly motivated for the ride. Heading onto valley walk I instantly felt better than my Friday ride.

Fun in the dying sun and blowing (out my arse) in the wind.

Yes tonight I was a legend, hills were dispatched with ease in hard gears, descents were attacked with massive gusto and technical sections were just a pure buzz, this is why I ride! The difference between this and Friday makes me feel like some sort of riding manic depressant, but it's best not to dwell on such things. Into the final third of the ride, darkness had fallen and lights were flicked on. Crossing a field strange black blobs in the distance held their ground, getting closer and closer there was no movement, was it just mounds of dirt? it was hard to tell, in the midst of the strange shapes they suddenly exploded into life. BAM! about 40 geese just hanging out in the middle of a field! needless to say as they all took off flapping around just inches from my head and sqwarking wildly I properly shit myself.
 After about 18 miles in an hour or so I rolled up at my gate on fat 26's feeling proper alive. The difference between this ride and Friday was unbelievable.Not sure if it was the headwinds or what but tonight in my mind I was a riding hero. Speed + Flow = Happy.