Monday, 10 October 2011

Head winds and stings.

As quick as a whip crack I was over the bars face down in the moist dirt with the majority of the left hand side of my body in stingers, ironically I had been thinking how nice it was to be having a nice dryish ride without getting my shins stung to buggery, and just like that I was gone. As I lay there trying to figure out what had happened the thoughts of irony kept whirling round in my mind, mocking my should know better self. Dragging myself upright and turning around the Trek was laying flipped over on completely the other side of the ditch my front wheel had slipped in to. At about an hour and fifteen minutes in I jumped back on and pedalled really really hard to take my mind off the pain and tingling which was spreading through my arm and leg, it worked till just now, as I sit hear writing this the tingling is almost unbearable. Riding up to this point had been good. Riding a hard route my legs were fresh and the cold which had knackered my lungs had all but gone, at every turn the head winds were strong no matter which way I turned, but it didn't matter, my legs were good and I was relishing the challenge. After a two week break I'm really looking forward to more regular riding.